Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Our day, Wednesday March 9, 2011

Wow, today was a long day! Daschle was up coughing almost all night Tuesday night. I kept him propped up on a mountain of pillows and we gave him some OTC cough medicine every four hours, but the poor guy just couldn't stop. So sad. He kept shifting positions to get comfortable in his bed every few minutes, and several times his head ended up where his feet had previously been all discombobulated... :)

Finally around 3 or 4AM i felt some hands on my feet and I asked, "who's that?" and he said, "it's dasch dad. can i sleep with you?" so he came and snuggled up on my shoulder and immediately fell asleep and stopped coughing. who'da thunk? needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink last night, and when Rev started to stir around 6:15AM and got out of bed in the hotel room to peak out behind the drapes to see if the sun was awake, I was ready to get up and stop pretending like I was gonna get any rest and get on with the day. Dasch was pretty tired all day, but otherwise in good spirits. The coughing only seems to come when he is in the cold air outside, or when he prone. It's weird. will definitely be getting him in to the doctor to get this chronic cough figured out once and for all. maybe we can get another nebulizer.

my mom went to run a few errands, so around 7AM or so the boys and i went to the breakfast bar at the hotel. they all started with yogurts. it was unanimous. yogurt was the first course. then rev wanted frosted flakes cereal and xander wanted a waffle. the waffle was ginormous so I split it between him and Rev (yes he wanted more after his bowl of cereal and yogurt were gone). dasch wanted a bowl of fruit loops after his yogurt, and when he finished that he also wanted his own waffle. i made the two older boys share bites with him and he was content with that. rev and xander both wanted a bagel and cream cheese after that and I finally had to say no, and to save room for lunch. they even went without spilling any of their juices, and it was me that spilled the cup of full apple juice. doh! and I didn't even cuss.

grandma made tuna sandwiches for lunch and bought some sweet potato chips and we ate in the car in Salt Lake City today on the way to the airport. Our flight to Denver left at 3PM and we had to wait FOREVER in the security line. It wasn't until the last 3 minutes of our wait that we saw a family with 3 kids older than our boys go through a separate "family" line that expedited them right through to the front of the huge crowd of 100+ people. stupid stupid. oh well...

made it through security with Dad only slightly frazzled and on edge. then we got on the plane to Denver. Southwest let us board after the "A" boarding group so we all got to sit near eachother, albeit at the back of the plane. Rev and Dasch sat with me, and Xander got to sit with my mom. We read "grandma doodies" scrap books that I brought from Japan with pictures from throughout the boys' lives, and we did Xander's spiderman puzzle, and Rev played with his Prince of Persia Legos for the short flight. We had to hussle once we got to Denver and I'm surprised our bags made the connection to the flight to BWI, but we got on that flight and this time Xander sat with Dad and Rev and Dasch sat with Grandma. Dad got a few minutes of sleep here and there while Xander was occupied doing things, but man being a single parent even with Grandma's assistance sure requires a TON of my attention. it's nice that I don't have anything else to really worry about right now but being a good dad and giving my boys as much positive attention as I can.

Look how chipper they are after flying all afternoon and evening! They are such good boys.

we made it into BWI around 10:30PM, and our bags took forever to come out, and once we had everything Grandpa was there to pick us all up in a minivan he borrowed from a neighbor. It fit all our baggage like a champ and none of us were squished inside. We went to McD's for dinner and got hamburgers and nuggets and sprite for the boys, and shortly after they finished chomping they all zonked completely out. We got to the house a little before midnight, and couldn't find Dasch's cough medicine, so Grandma went to the store and brought some back.

After family prayers it took Xander no time to fall back asleep and now that Dasch has had his medicine, he and Rev are also no longer being kept awake by the coughing. That's where I'm headed to right now! Rev and Xander are on a pallet on the floor and me and Daschle are in the bed. It's not that big of a bed so I probably will get no sleep again, but it's the best we've got until we can get mattresses and find a place to put them sometime tomorrow or this weekend.

A day in the life of those Crazy Cobb Boys!

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